Hip fractures can have devastating outcomes for older adults, often leading to a loss of independence and quality of life.
Will no longer live on their own (1)
In the 120 days after fracture (2)
Will die within a year (3)
(1) Dyer et al. A critical review of the long-term disability outcomes following hip fracture. BMC Geriatrics (2016) 16:158 DOI 10.1186/s12877-016-0332-0
(2) Buntin M, et al. Medicare Spending and Outcomes after Post-Acute Care for Stroke and Hip Fracture. Med Care. 2010 September ; 48(9): 776–78
(3) The American Society for Bone and Mineral Research : The Crisis https://www.secondaryfractures.org/the-crisis
If you answer YES to any of below, the Tango Belt may be right for you: (4, 5)
Does the fear of a falls and hip fracture limit your mobility?
Are you at risk of falls?
Have you had a fracture after the age of 50?
Do you have or are you at risk of osteoporosis?
(4) Unnanuntana A, Gladnick BP, Donnelly E, Lane JM. The assessment of fracture risk. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2010;92(3):743–753. doi:10.2106/JBJS.I.00919
(5) Stolee P, et al. Risk factors for hip fracture in older home care clients. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2009. Vol. 64A, No. 3, 403–410

In-Home Care
The Tango Belt can be an asset to help in-home care teams and their older adult patients.
When connectivity is enabled, wearers and staff are able to monitor activity and balance metrics, while easily managing belts for individual patients or groups of clients.
The Tango Belt can be transitioned from coordinated care effort to individual management as appropriate with ongoing ability to attenuate ground impact forces due to a serious hip-impacting fall and notification functionality for when attention is needed.

Remote Monitoring Platforms
The gathering of relevant clinical information such as adherence and confidence can contribute to increased reimbursement. The Tango Belt’s notifications, when partnered with call centers, offer PERS capabilities to capture additional value.
Timely Data
Monitor device adherence (Adherence up to 83% demonstrated)
Gather self-reported fear of falling

Value-based Care Providers
Lower Cost
Reduce Emergency Department visits and hospitalization rate (9)
Decrease staff burden (9)
Average 120-day cost per hip fracture $175,00 - 263,000 (6)
Better Care
Decrease rehospitalization for fall injuries (Rated as high as the 3rd leading readmission diagnosis) (8)
Provide impact force reduction with an airbag in serious hip-impacting falls.
Improved Satisfaction
Empower people to age in place (50% of hip fracture patients do not return to prior level of living) (7)
Peace of mind with mobility
6.Buntin M, et al. Medicare Spending and Outcomes after Post-Acute Care for Stroke and Hip Fracture. Med Care . 2010 September ; 48(9): 776–784
7.Dyer S, et al. A critical review of the long-term disability outcomes following hip fracture. BMC Geriatrics (2016) 16:158
8.Hoffman GJ, et al. Posthospital Fall Injuries and 30-Day Readmissions in Adults 65 Years and Older. JAMA Netw Open. 2019;2(5):e194276.
9. Adeyemi A, Delhougne G. Incidence and Economic Burden of Intertrochanteric Fracture. JBJS Open Accessed 2019:e0045. http://dx.doi.org/10.2106/JBJS. OA.18.00045

Senior Care Facilities
Senior care living communities face increased financial burden with resultant litigation costs of up to $600,000 with a fall-related hip fracture.
Improved Balance Confidence
(Falls Efficacy Scale)
Distance-Over-Surface at Discharge
(Users VS Non-Users)
User Adherence
Long term nursing community
Embedding the Tango Belt into the fall management programming in long term care has demonstrated high adherence, leading to successful implementation. (10)
Short term rehab setting
The Tango Belt has shown increased confidence and mobility during rehabilitation. (10)
(10) Tarbert RJ, Role of Rehabilitation in Innovative Models for Mobility in the Short-Term Care Setting. J Phys Med Rehabil Disabil 2019 4: 035 DOI: 10.24966/PMRD-8670/100035
Senior Care Facility Benefits
Increased Referrals and Occupancy
Innovation and best outcomes translate to becoming the preferred provider for your hospital discharge planner. Increasing occupancy provides great return on investment.
Reduced Risk and Liability
Falls with injury and hip fractures are the #1 risk and liability of most senior care providers. The Tango Belt is a form-factor that residents will actually wear.
Improved 5-Star Ratings
Based on the mobility increases experienced with the Tango Belt, a Tango program can translate to higher customer satisfaction and 5-star ratings for your facility.