Why the Tango Belt was Created
Hip fractures are identified as one of the greatest medical crises around the globe. Yet, while many fall management solutions have existed for decades, they’ve always created a tradeoff between mobility and safety.
Hip pads are effective at preventing fractures, but are too obtrusive to everyday life and often go unworn. Likewise, bed alarms, wheelchairs, and other preventative measures discourage mobility and perpetuate a downward spiral in older adults.
Having been personally affected by this reality, the Tango Belt team set out to find a better way to help older adults before, during, and after a fall - with a vision of making hip fractures a preventable condition and reversing this downward trend.
Through rigorous product development, the Tango Belt was designed to determine serious hip-impacting falls prior to contact, giving it the ability to intervene by deploying an airbag to reduce fall impact forces. Contained in an unobtrusive hip belt, this technology is wearable without constraint—mastering the tradeoff between safety and mobility, motivating seniors to be more active and stay that way.
Our Beginnings
Dr. Robert F. Buckman, a lifelong medical innovator with 15 patents to his name and author of over 100 publications in the field of trauma, recognized an enormous, unsolved healthcare crisis - frail, independent elderly patients falling down and breaking their hips.
Combining his clinical knowledge with engineering prowess, the Tango Belt team studied fall-risk factors, developed a methodology to determine falls with unprecedented accuracy, and created the Tango Belt.
Dr. Robert F. Buckman, Co-Founder
Connect with us today to learn more about the product and technology.

Our Team
The Tango team blends passion and expertise to solve the world's leading healthcare problems with technology. We are engineers, clinicians, and gerontologists united by a singular purpose to make everyday life safer for elderly individuals.
Wamis Singhatat
Chief Executive Officer
Eric Zeng
Vice President - Software Engineering & Data
Doug Gessl
Chief Financial Officer
Andrew Pyrih, RPH
Vice President - Sales
Rebecca Tarbert DPT, GCS
Vice President - Clinical Programs
Alan Miller
Director of Operations
Zane McKinney
Product Support Manager
Megan Riley
Senior Product Development Engineer
Tyler Ulanowicz
Hardware Engineering Lead
Shaina Selvaraju
Outcomes Specialist
Doug Matheson
Supply Chain Consultant
John Pellechia
Quality Consultant
Drew Lakatos
Lynne Rockwell
Clinical Implementation Specialist
Madeline Tran
Quality Engineer
The Board
Sacha Levy
New York Angels
Marshal Linder
Corporate Senior Vice President, Asahi Kasei Healthcare Business Unit
Seiji Nakano
Vice President, Strategy and Business Development, Asahi Kasei - Healthcare
Dr. Neal Walker
CEO Aclaris Therapeutics
Scientific Advisory Committee
Dr. Richard Stefanacci, DO, MGH, MBA, AGSF, CMD
Committee Lead, Geriatrician - Trinity PACE, Faculty - Thomas Jefferson University & Jefferson College of Population Health
Dr. Jaimo Ahn, MD, PhD
Surgeon, educator, scientist, and inventor, whose career goal is to maximize bone health locally and internationally
Dr. Bruce Kinosian, MD
Director & Associate Professor of Medicine at University of Pennsylvania, focused on care for economic value and quality of life for frail elders
Dr. Cheryl Phillips, MD, AGSF
Geriatric Physician, focused on complex-needs older adults through innovations in payment and delivery models
Dr. Brad Manor, PhD
Director - Mobility & Falls Research Center at the Marcus Institute and Harvard Medical School
Elizabeth Wheatley, BSN, CRRN
Certified Rehab Nurse - Benchmark Senior Living, focused on the health and wellness of seniors living in assisted living, memory care, and independent living environments.